Index of /mirror/apache-dist/

File Name  ↓ File Size  ↓ Date  ↓ 
Parent directory/--
accumulo/-13-Aug-2024 00:02
activemq/-12-Mar-2025 19:17
age/-26-Jan-2024 00:48
airavata/-10-Dec-2024 17:09
airflow/-10-Feb-2025 09:43
allura/-21-Jun-2024 17:52
ambari/-20-Dec-2024 03:50
answer/-10-Feb-2025 04:02
ant/-29-Aug-2024 13:41
any23/-03-Jul-2023 13:18
apex/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
apisix/-17-Oct-2024 02:33
apr/-13-Mar-2025 17:39
archiva/-25-Apr-2024 13:23
aries/-22-Apr-2024 10:40
arrow/-09-Mar-2025 12:02
asterixdb/-03-Apr-2024 20:17
atlas/-02-Jan-2025 05:09
aurora/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
avro/-05-Aug-2024 12:06
axis/-17-Jun-2022 11:19
bahir/-25-Apr-2024 13:26
beam/-18-Feb-2025 17:10
bigtop/-08-Jul-2024 11:52
bloodhound/-23-Jul-2024 12:06
bookkeeper/-26-Jun-2024 14:20
brooklyn/-19-Feb-2024 21:21
brpc/-23-Jan-2025 03:15
buildr/-03-Aug-2022 14:32
buildstream/-23-Dec-2024 10:35
bval/-13-Mar-2025 13:10
calcite/-04-Mar-2025 20:46
camel/-03-Oct-2024 13:14
carbondata/-25-Nov-2023 11:40
cassandra/-06-Mar-2025 19:58
causeway/-05-Jan-2025 09:23
cayenne/-09-Sep-2024 14:12
celeborn/-13-Mar-2025 08:41
celix/-01-Oct-2023 09:41
chemistry/-17-Jun-2022 12:48
chukwa/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
clerezza/-11-Jul-2022 14:49
climate/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
cloudstack/-15-Oct-2024 12:48
cocoon/-27-Jan-2025 15:45
commons/-20-Apr-2024 16:58
cordova/-22-Oct-2024 22:54
couchdb/-30-Dec-2022 14:49
creadur/-28-Jan-2024 20:17
crunch/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
ctakes/-06-Mar-2025 16:05
curator/-06-Mar-2025 20:08
cxf/-06-Mar-2025 22:02
daffodil/-21-Jan-2025 21:45
datafu/-14-Jan-2024 18:56
datafusion/-07-Mar-2025 18:58
datasketches/-14-Jan-2025 02:12
db/-17-Jun-2022 11:28
deltaspike/-17-Jun-2022 12:32
directory/-11-Feb-2025 12:27
dolphinscheduler/-16-Jul-2024 03:19
doris/-10-Dec-2024 08:36
drill/-23-Jun-2024 06:44
druid/-11-Feb-2025 04:04
dubbo/-11-Mar-2025 02:08
eagle/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
echarts/-28-Dec-2024 06:59
empire-db/-11-Mar-2025 13:42
eventmesh/-30-Dec-2024 03:37
falcon/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
felix/-13-Mar-2025 08:40
fineract/-10-Mar-2025 00:49
flagon/-03-Apr-2024 21:31
flex/-20-Feb-2023 22:55
flink/-03-Mar-2025 12:26
flume/-02-Apr-2023 16:52
fluo/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
forrest/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
freemarker/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
geode/-10-Oct-2022 20:13
geronimo/-23-Mar-2024 19:41
giraph/-30-Oct-2023 11:55
gobblin/-31-Aug-2023 03:45
gora/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
griffin/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
groovy/-28-Feb-2025 04:10
guacamole/-05-Apr-2024 17:39
hadoop/-17-Jun-2022 11:31
hawq/-23-Jul-2024 12:06
hbase/-06-Mar-2025 18:45
helix/-03-Feb-2025 18:56
hive/-08-Oct-2024 10:08
hop/-17-Feb-2025 13:18
httpcomponents/-03-Sep-2022 17:01
httpd/-23-Jan-2025 20:50
hudi/-08-Feb-2025 19:56
iceberg/-04-Mar-2025 08:40
ignite/-11-Mar-2025 08:32
impala/-03-Mar-2025 11:50
incubator/-10-Mar-2025 11:38
inlong/-11-Feb-2025 11:28
iotdb/-16-Feb-2025 11:10
jackrabbit/-12-Oct-2024 07:32
james/-26-Feb-2025 05:21
jclouds/-30-Jan-2025 04:48
jena/-21-Jan-2025 14:56
jmeter/-07-Jan-2024 17:10
johnzon/-01-Apr-2024 18:27
jspwiki/-17-Jun-2024 09:57
juddi/-27-Feb-2023 20:15
juneau/-05-Sep-2023 12:59
kafka/-13-Dec-2024 23:56
karaf/-24-Jan-2025 10:17
knox/-24-Feb-2023 21:00
kudu/-06-Nov-2024 21:59
kvrocks/-07-Feb-2025 12:20
kylin/-27-Sep-2024 15:31
kyuubi/-28-Dec-2024 03:32
lens/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
libcloud/-10-Aug-2023 07:09
linkis/-06-Jan-2025 14:05
logging/-10-Oct-2024 03:11
lucene/-30-May-2024 20:48
lucenenet/-29-Oct-2024 12:19
madlib/-08-Sep-2023 18:25
mahout/-17-Jun-2022 12:35
manifoldcf/-10-Feb-2025 09:16
marmotta/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
maven/-13-Mar-2025 17:39
mesos/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
metamodel/-17-Jun-2022 12:53
metron/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
mina/-10-May-2023 20:27
mnemonic/-17-Jun-2022 11:46
mxnet/-17-Nov-2023 16:19
myfaces/-24-Jan-2024 20:23
mynewt/-25-Nov-2024 10:59
netbeans/-10-Jan-2025 00:19
nifi/-11-Mar-2025 11:26
nutch/-25-Apr-2024 04:27
nuttx/-06-Jan-2025 07:40
ode/-17-Jun-2022 12:34
ofbiz/-13-Mar-2025 17:39
olingo/-22-Oct-2023 12:31
oodt/-03-Jul-2023 18:25
oozie/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
opendal/-04-Mar-2025 13:39
openjpa/-23-Sep-2024 09:43
openmeetings/-04-Jan-2025 03:36
opennlp/-10-Jan-2025 08:15
openwebbeans/-18-Feb-2024 18:58
openwhisk/-01-Oct-2024 13:59
orc/-09-Mar-2025 22:53
ozone/-12-Mar-2025 23:49
paimon/-10-Feb-2025 03:35
parquet/-03-Dec-2024 01:12
pdfbox/-23-Jan-2025 17:52
pekko/-07-Mar-2025 06:55
perl/-21-Oct-2023 10:06
phoenix/-12-Nov-2024 12:04
pig/-17-Jun-2022 12:56
pinot/-17-Feb-2025 01:46
pivot/-17-Jun-2022 12:56
plc4x/-20-Feb-2024 07:28
poi/-08-Jan-2025 19:53
portals/-17-Jun-2022 12:53
predictionio/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
pulsar/-05-Mar-2025 03:33
qpid/-14-Nov-2022 15:04
ranger/-13-Feb-2025 23:16
ratis/-16-Jan-2025 06:40
reef/-03-Aug-2022 18:31
river/-17-Jun-2022 12:48
rocketmq/-12-Mar-2025 08:23
roller/-30-Jul-2023 17:17
royale/-07-Dec-2024 21:59
rya/-17-Jun-2022 12:27
samza/-13-Jan-2023 22:57
santuario/-05-Nov-2024 06:41
sdap/-04-Nov-2024 15:48
seatunnel/-13-Mar-2025 07:20
sedona/-02-Dec-2024 03:59
sentry/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
serf/-31-May-2023 18:33
servicecomb/-08-Aug-2022 09:17
servicemix/-17-Jun-2022 12:39
shardingsphere/-22-Jan-2025 11:37
shenyu/-15-Jan-2025 02:53
shiro/-13-Nov-2024 20:09
singa/-08-Sep-2024 11:58
sis/-12-Oct-2023 16:04
skywalking/-23-Feb-2025 12:20
sling/-13-Mar-2025 17:39
solr/-22-Apr-2024 13:07
spamassassin/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
spark/-28-Feb-2025 05:42
sqoop/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
stanbol/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
storm/-26-Jan-2025 00:25
streampark/-06-Feb-2025 09:06
streampipes/-17-Feb-2025 17:52
streams/-06-Jan-2025 20:14
struts/-05-Mar-2025 13:34
submarine/-10-Jul-2024 10:45
subversion/-08-Dec-2024 23:04
superset/-04-Feb-2025 18:07
synapse/-10-May-2023 17:30
syncope/-10-Mar-2025 15:16
systemds/-17-Mar-2024 03:58
tajo/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
tapestry/-11-Feb-2025 21:19
tcl/-17-Jun-2022 12:53
tez/-15-Sep-2024 20:48
thrift/-21-Sep-2024 13:06
tika/-07-Feb-2025 00:14
tinkerpop/-23-Jan-2025 22:37
tomcat/-03-Jul-2024 16:40
tomee/-28-Jan-2025 16:57
trafficcontrol/-04-Oct-2024 16:05
trafficserver/-05-Mar-2025 15:50
trafodion/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
tsfile/-10-Feb-2025 07:22
turbine/-24-Apr-2024 14:36
tvm/-28-Jan-2025 03:41
twill/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
uima/-04-Dec-2024 10:53
uniffle/-10-Mar-2025 11:38
unomi/-11-Dec-2024 13:52
usergrid/-17-Jun-2022 12:53
vcl/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
velocity/-30-Jul-2024 17:30
vxquery/-17-Jun-2022 12:54
wayang/-23-Jan-2025 09:28
wicket/-31-Jan-2025 21:08
ws/-17-Jun-2022 11:38
xalan/-17-Jun-2022 12:55
xerces/-17-Jun-2022 12:50
xmlgraphics/-17-Jun-2022 12:50
yetus/-04-Mar-2025 14:48
yunikorn/-25-Jan-2025 06:39
zeppelin/-31-Jan-2025 07:14
zookeeper/-24-Oct-2024 17:33
zzz/-13-Mar-2025 20:00
HEADER.html 77016-Oct-2020 16:46
README.html 35407-May-2018 04:52
favicon.ico 159530-Nov-2018 07:44

Welcome to Ubuntu Taiwan LoCo Team (ubuntu-tw) / OSS Planet Mirror Server

Empowering Open Source: Free Hosting for a Free World We are open, we love freedom. Free Hosting for Open Projects. Join the movement. #JustGoOpen

If you're seeking a mirror, please contact us. OSSPlanet
We support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Rsync, and Tor .onion site.

We operate mirror servers in multiple regions to better serve our users:

Choose the server closest to your location for optimal performance!


Ubuntu archive repository for APT sources.list
Mirror of
Mirror of
Ubuntu APT source repo for non-x86. (ARM, etc). Mirror of
Installation CD/DVD image.
If you want to mirror ubuntu/ to your server, download this script and run it 4 times a day with cron. (0 */6 * * *)
/ and /mirror/
All mirror repos. (Apache, CPAN, GNU, Kernel, LDP, Mozilla, other Linux distro, hosting, etc)


Network and Infrastructure

Taiwan Server (Primary Asia Mirror)

Sponsored by
National Chi Nan University
TWAREN Academic Network
  • 100Gbps backbone with multiple optical segments
  • 12 GigaPOPs across Taiwan
  • International connectivity to major exchanges
Network Documentation

Finland Server (Primary Europe Mirror)

Sponsored by
Matthew Lien (BlueT)
Hetzner Datacenter
  • Multi-redundant network connections
  • Peering at major European exchanges
  • High-performance infrastructure
Network Documentation

Data handling and privacy policy

  1. IP addresses and Logs will be saved for troubleshooting, abuse, and statistical purposes.
  2. Only few of our system administrators have access to the log files.
  3. Our infrastructure and network providers could have other logging.



Admin: BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明
Email: apply at ossplanet dot net AND bluet at bluet dot org